Who are we?
Scouts are the dream builders, the future makers, and the inspirers, helping create closer communities and build a stronger society. Yes, we go camping, hiking, swimming, abseiling, cycling and canoeing. But we also get to hang out with our friends every week – having fun, playing games, working in a team and taking on new challenges.
How the group is run
The Group Council
The group council is formed of all those who volunteer for the good of the group; Leaders, Instructors, Patrol leaders, Sponsoring Authority and all parents (who are automatically part of the Council).
Under the chairmanship of an appointed chairman, the group councils responsibilities include fund raising, election of the Group officers and the holding of an Annual General Meeting (AGM) which has to approve the Annual Report and Accounts produced by the Group Executive Committee.
The AGM is typically held in April, after Annual St George's Parade/Service, and all are welcome to attend.
The Group Board of Trustees
The Group Council works through the Group Board of Trustees which consists of the Group Scout Leader and associated Section Leaders, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Sponsoring Authority Nominee and other nominated or co-opted members from the Group Council.
The Board meet once per quarter. Its function is to support the Group Scout Leader in running the Group, and includes support in maintaining HQ, Admin, Finances, Recruitment etc.
Key Trustee Roles
- Chairman: Rodney Newman
- Treasurer: Robin Mitchell
- Secretary: Angela Hall
- Group Administrator: John Hill
- Group Scout Leader: Richard Griffin
- SURC Representative: Barbara Hill
- Others: Matthew Wyatt, Tom Moorhouse, all other leaders.
The Leaders
Each Section is run by the real stars of the show, the Leaders. All the Leaders are volunteers who have, or are going through the required training. Each section welcomes the support of parent volunteers and assistant leaders to help run their programmes.
Annual Reports
Each year, the group submits and publishes a Trustees Report, Group Constitution, and its financial accounts for the year ending. They are available to download below.